About Us
With over 125B dollars of property throughout the state and nearly 20m acres of land, CORE can find the right property for you. We have also set unprecedented sale amounts over consecutive years on mutifamily, retail, industrial, and mixed use properties.

Brianna Stark
Marketing Officer
(207) 744-3084 Ext 0
Brianna Stark is the Marketing Director at CORE. Brianna also works for BioME (Bioscience Association of Maine) as their Marketing & Membership Coordinator. Prior to working with CORE, Brianna was part of a digital marketing team at U-Haul International in Phoenix, AZ. She earned her B.S. degree in Marketing and Sustainability from Arizona State University. From Arizona, Brianna went on to work remotely as an Email Marketing Specialist at U-Haul International while traveling through Australia and Asia.
In her free time, you can find Brianna at the mountain, on the lake, or downtown sampling Portland’s diverse food and beverage menus.