About Us
With over 125B dollars of property throughout the state and nearly 20m acres of land, CORE can find the right property for you. We have also set unprecedented sale amounts over consecutive years on mutifamily, retail, industrial, and mixed use properties.

Frank Carr
(207) 744-3084 Ext 303
Frank Carr is the Director of CORE. He has held this license before in Illinois and Maine, but primarily for showing and leasing tenant spaces within properties he was managing. Frank will be expanding his skillset on the brokerage side and augmenting an already talented team at CORE.
Frank’s impressive resume of real estate experience includes overseeing the management of buildings in downtown and suburban Chicago, as well as developing and constructing million square foot buildings, various hotels, as well as apartment projects. He understands the importance of business relationships, and demonstrates this understanding when he helps clients tackle unique design and business problems. Frank draws on his professional experience to quickly find workable solutions that align interests for everyone involved in the built environment.
As an Owner’s Representative, Frank has coordinated all aspects of site acquisition, programming, and needs analyses with owners, business units and tenants ensuring smooth tenant fit out transitions to rentable leased up spaces. Frank’s development experience includes commercial office buildings, hotels, and multifamily residential buildings. He leveraged his Chicago experience with Hines Interests building ABN AMRO, NA’s (now Bank of America) marquee downtown office, data center, and check processing facility into multiple real estate development projects in New England.
Working with a local hotel development company, The Olympia Companies in New England, Frank worked with teams developing 50 Sewall St in Portland, Custom House Square Office Buildings in Portland, the Hampton Inns in North Conway and South Portland, the Hilton Garden Inn in Portsmouth, and the Holiday Inns in Portsmouth and Bangor. Recently, he coordinated the apartments at The Clark on Pleasant in Portland, and he is currently working on the Notre Dame on Cutts apartments in Saco.
Frank holds an undergraduate degree in General Engineering Sciences from the United States Naval Academy. In Pensacola, FL he pinned on gold wings as a naval aviator and flew helicopter missions in the Persian Gulf and Central American littorals. After leaving the service, he earned an MBA from the University of Michigan.