About Us
With over 125B dollars of property throughout the state and nearly 20M acres of land, CORE can find the right property for you. We have also set unprecedented sale amounts over consecutive years on mutifamily, retail, industrial, and mixed use properties.

Office Dog
Obi joined CORE in July of 2018 with a background in finance and economics and a passion for belly-rubs and ear-scratching. Immediately after earning his PhD from Yale and MBA from Harvard, Obi went on to run one of the largest hedge funds in New England. Based in the North East, Obi successfully ran a team of more than 2,000 investment managers and maintained an annual growth rate of more than 115% consistently over 20 years. Giving up the fast paced New York lifestyle, Obi moved to Maine to raise a family and focus on the expansion of CORE and to oversee their dog food department.